Dr. Brower is the President/CEO of Ukpeagvik Iñupiat Corporation, an Alaska Native Corporation, 9th largest company by revenue in the State of Alaska.  Prior to this she was at the University of Alaska (2021-2022), and served as the President of Iḷisaġvik College, Alaska’s Only Tribal College (2007-2020).  Brower holds a master’s degree in Alaska Native Studies and Rural Development and a Ph.D. in Indigenous Studies with an emphasis in Indigenous Leadership both from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Brower is active in her Alaskan community and nationally serving on many boards and commissions including the National Museum of the American Indian, Storyknife Writer’s Retreat, The Foraker Group Governance Board, Alaska Airlines Community Advisory Board, and the Western Interstate Commission on Colleges and Universities.

Brower grew up in both Barrow, Alaska and in northern California practicing a subsistence lifestyle in both areas.  She has 2 daughters and along with her husband, Jesse Darling, lives between Barrow and Anchorage, Alaska where she loves to be close to her culture and community.