Building Science Projects

Mold Survey

In early March, 2003, we were contracted by the HUD Office of Native American Programs (through Magna Systems) to do a rapid survey of mold problems in Alaska Native Housing. We contacted 73 of 88 regional or village housing authorities in Alaska and documented over 1700 apartments or homes that had some level of mold problem. These vary from mild mildew around windows, in kitchens, or in bathrooms to severe mold development that will require the destruction of the building. HUD recognizes the seriousness of this issue and is providing training to Native housing authorities around the Nation.

CCHRC was funded by AHFC to provide some consulting services to Alaska Native housing authorities on a variety of housing issues, including low-cost ventilation systems. Adequate ventilation is one of the keys, along with good moisture control, to maintaining a healthy, mold-free home.


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