Policy Research

6-Star Green Program Development

At the request of Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, CCHRC  developed an outline of a program to add a 6th Star in the home rating system. There were two basic elements under consideration (1) an energy analysis using AkWarm and (2) a green building analysis using the NAHB Green Home Building Standard, the ASHRAE/USGBC Green Building Standard, or other standard approved by AHFC.

To qualify for an incentive award under the program a builder/home owner would have to submit two documents completed by a third party certified by AHFC for this purpose, one as to the energy use as calculated using AkWarm and the other as having met one of the approved green building standards. The incentive award structure under consideration now would include a rebate to the builder and a mortgage rate reduction for the homeowner. The 6th star was added to the rating system in 2013.


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