Designbethel housing

Bethel Aviation Housing

CCHRC partnered with the The Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) to design two duplexes for flight school students in Bethel. The duplexes highlight the integrated truss technology and energy-efficient building strategies in a hub community, helping to publicly vet these approaches and serve as model homes in the region.

AVCP is the economic development corporation for the Yukon/Kuskokwim region. Based in Bethel, AVCP is trying to address the severe housing shortage in the Y/K Delta region and stimulate the local economy in the construction trades and production facilities.

CCHRC created a set of plans and a materials list for an energy-efficient duplex prototype building and instructed the local crew in building techniques for the integrated truss method. AVCP will use the duplexes as a showpiece to the public, to both residents in the region and public officials who frequently travel through Bethel. AVCP will also increase regional capacity by sharing the plans and materials list with smaller communities that have limited funds and capacity to design and construct housing.


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