The Building Science Research team is made up of engineers and scientists who conduct experiments and provide analysis on building and energy systems in cold climates.

Examples of research activities include monitoring the performance of different wall designs and insulation products in various climate zones; gathering data on indoor air quality to test innovative ventilation strategies; and studying the efficiency and payback of renewable energy technologies such as heat pumps and solar thermal.

This research is translated into technical reports, journal articles, building manuals, videos, and educational material for contractors and homeowners.

See Building Science Projects


The Sustainable Northern Communities program started in 2008 to address the needs for sustainable housing in rural Alaska. CCHRC designers work with state and federal agencies, housing authorities, and other design and building firms to develop energy efficient, affordable, durable housing. Local residents and stakeholders are included to ensure the designs reflect the culture, environment, and resources of individual communities.

These prototype homes incorporate experimental building and energy technologies—such as super-insulated walls or adjustable foundations—aimed at improving the energy efficiency and affordability of housing. The goal is that these prototypes can be reproduced to provide much-needed housing. CCHRC has completed more than 12 prototype projects throughout all regions of Alaska. CCHRC also provides energy modeling and plan review.

Have any questions? Give us a call.


The Policy Research team is made up of economists and analysts who study the energy efficiency of housing and infrastructure in Alaska.

Activities include managing and analyzing data, energy modeling, calculating economic analyses of building, retrofit, and energy projects, and making policy recommendations to agencies and officials.

See Our Policy Principles


The Cold Climate Housing Research Center is an industry-based nonprofit corporation created to facilitate the development, use, and testing of energy-efficient, durable, healthy, and cost-effective building technologies for people living in cold climates. CCHRC offers the following consulting services:

  • Design
  • Building Science
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Management
  • Energy Modeling
  • Heating & Ventilation
  • Policy Research