The mission of the Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC) is to promote and advance the development of healthy, durable, and sustainable shelter for Alaskans and other circumpolar people. Our Policy Principles serves as a framework for CCHRC’s engagement with policymakers and guide our advocacy on relevant legislative and regulatory issues.


CCHRC Policy Principles

  1. CCHRC supports legislation in favor of and advocates the expansion of accessible, useful, complete and high-quality energy data, particularly data related to home heating.
  2. CCHRC supports the development and enactment of a statewide residential building code with sensible compliance alternatives that account for regional differences.
  3. CCHRC supports robust and equitable funding for self-determined tribal housing activities in a manner that honors the cultures, values and needs of each community.
  4. CCHRC supports consumer education and outreach efforts relating to appropriate materials, equipment and techniques for circumpolar design and construction.
  5. CCHRC supports comprehensive workforce development programs that aim to increase competency in the field of building science and sustain the gainful employment of Alaskans in the related trades and professional disciplines.
  6. CCHRC supports active engagement with the real estate, financial services and insurance industries to effectively advocate the benefits of high-performing homes from consumer, market valuations, and casualty underwriting perspectives.
  7. CCHRC supports the treatment of energy efficiency as a procurable resource that can be developed and integrated to meet the overall energy needs of the state while improving building performance and reducing household energy burden.
  8. CCHRC supports beneficial electrification strategies that exchange combustion of fossil fuels in buildings for efficient electric technologies when doing so improves occupant experiences and reduces overall emissions and energy costs.
  9. CCHRC supports policies and research that consider the links between building science and the broader goals of northern societies, such as economic prosperity, resilient infrastructure, clean and reliable power grids, healthier housing, a more stable climate, and equitable outcomes for all communities.